Durch die Präsentation und Diskussion von Projekt- und Masterarbeit werden Studierende in der Planung, Durchführung, Auswertung und Darstellung ihrer Arbeiten unterstützt. Gleichzeitig erhalten sie durch die Teilnahme Kenntnis und Einblick in andere in der Ökologischen Landwirtschaft angesiedelte Forschungsarbeiten und sind gefordert, dazu Stellung zu nehmen. Weitere Kursinhalte sind Regeln guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis, Wissenschaftsgeschichte und -theorie, Forschungsevaluierung sowie Inter- und Transdisziplinarität. Es werden Forschungsprofile einzelner Fachgebiete und das Forschungsgut Domäne Frankenhausen vorgestellt.

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Universität Kassel/Witzenhausen



Module M.SIA.P07: Soil and plant science


Learning outcome, core skills:

Bridging module for students lacking basic knowledge in some agronomy disciplines.

With the help of lectures and reading materials students will be enabled to fill in gaps

and get updated on state-of-the art knowledge with a special focus on questions

pertinent to organic agriculture.

Students, having taken this module, will be able to follow advanced courses in the above



Course contents:

Influence of soil formation processes on physical properties (texture, soil water, pore

space), chemical properties (buffering, exchange capacity, nutrients), and biological

properties (organic matter, edaphon), soil formation and classification. Nutrient

availability and and nutrient mobilization under conventional and organic agricultural

conditions. Major and minor nutrients and food quality.Plant breeding goals for different

agricultural systems. Plant morphology, genetics and breeding: principles of plant

domestication and use, characterization and evaluation, use of genetic resources in

plant breeding, genetic basis for plant breeding Genetics of host-parasite interactions,

epidemiology and plant defence. Insect physiology and ecology.


Examination requirements:

Fundamentals of soil science are offered in a very condensed form, covering 4 disciplines:

  1. Soil Science: Physical properties (texture, soil water, pore space), chemical properties (buffering, exchange capacity, nutrients), biological properties (organic matter, edaphon), soil formation and classification.
  2. Plant nutrition: Role of major and minor elements in plants, nutrient availability and nutrient mobilisation, plant nutrients and food quality
  3. Plant breeding and genetics: plant morphology, genetics and breeding: principles ofplant domestication and use, characterization and evaluation, use of genetic resources in plant breeding, genetic basis for plant breeding.
  4. Plant protection: principles of plant pathology and entomology, genetics of plant diseases, epidemiology, plant defence mechanisms; insect physiology and ecology